Kito Mann Interview

Ted Neward talks with Kito (JSFCentral) Mann about, yes you guessed it, Java Server Faces. What is the current state of JSF, what's the impact of Javascript and Ruby on the JEE5 presentation tier and how does it compare to ASP.NET are just a handful of questions that are fired by Ted. JavaSer...

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Episode synopsis

Ted Neward talks with Kito (JSFCentral) Mann about, yes you guessed it, Java Server Faces. What is the current state of JSF, what's the impact of Javascript and Ruby on the JEE5 presentation tier and how does it compare to ASP.NET are just a handful of questions that are fired by Ted.

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a standard web user interface framework, developed under the Java Community Process (JSR 127), and released in March, 2004. JSF specifies a web user interface component model, complete with server-side event handling, validation, internationalization, page navigation, and declarative mapping between user interface components and Java objects.

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