Sparkling Client: Validation in Silverlight 3

Sparkling Client

Jesse Liberty returns to the podcast to explain some of the new features found in Silverlight 3. This week, we talk about validation. What’s New? Validation was kind of a pain in Silverlight 2.  Silverlight 3 has built in features (including template and VSM support) for capturing and displaying ...

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Episode synopsis

Jesse Liberty returns to the podcast to explain some of the new features found in Silverlight 3. This week, we talk about validation.

What’s New?
Validation was kind of a pain in Silverlight 2.  Silverlight 3 has built in features (including template and VSM support) for capturing and displaying validation errors.

A user types text into a TextBox that is only supposed to receive numbers.  The data object throws an error and that’s reflected in the appearance of the control.

Surprising Fact
The error states can be completely customized.  Would you like a dancing bear to announce the error?  No problem.

Jesse Liberty

Useful links:
Jesse’s What’s new in Silverlight 3:
Jesse’s Mini-Tutorials:
Element to Element Binding Video:

Music for the show:
Special thanks to YACHT

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