Progress and IONA FUSE

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
Further to Progress Software’s acquisition of IONA Technologies in September 2008 it has added FUSE ESB 4.0, an enterprise version of Apache ServiceMix 4.0, a standards based, open source enterprise service bus to its product portfolio. FUSE 4.0 supports the Java Business Integration (JBI) 2.0 standard and has backwards compatibility with JBI 1.0, which ensures that FUSE 3.X (and ServiceMix 3.X) components are deployable on it. It also supports the emerging OSGI standard and the new Integration Designer facilitates point and click creation of Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs), the debugging and validation of EIPs and the visualisation of pre-existing routes (allowing reverse engineering).

Additional new capabilities include multiple programming models for the Normalized Message Router (NMR), an integrated Message Broker – a JMS messaging infrastructure within the NMR and an integrated Mediation Router – a routing engine that creates enterprise integration patterns via a simple Java DSL. It also features an integrated Services Framework – a web services feature (SOAP) that enables the creation of web services using a broad range of programming models – and an embeddable ESB that can be run as a standalone ESB provider (with integrated Spring support), or run at the edge of a network (inside a client or server), or as a service within another ESB, and in Java SE or a Java EE application server. The ESB Console provides a user interface for deploying, managing, and provisioning bundles, and it offers native Spring support – enabling Spring users to create components using Spring XML.

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