Iterative Training

Iterative Training

Iterative Training offers exclusive but infrequent training courses that are simply the best in the United Kingdom. You will not find training of this level anywhere else.

Our instructors are experts in their field and have a passion for sharing their knowledge and experience. Many of them take an active role in leading the software industry, so going on one of our courses provides a glimpse of what the future holds for software engineering.

Find out what we can do for you by selecting one of the following:

Past events

  • Advanced .NET 2.0 Master Class with Brian Noyes (14th - 18th July 2008)

    14-18 Jul 2008 in Ascot, United Kingdom

    What is common to all .NET applications is how to build and deploy components and services, design for maintainability and reuse, manage multithreading, issue asynchronous calls, subscribe and publish events, access objects on remote machines, design for scalability and consistency, manage transactions and provide a secure, environment for the application to operate in.

  • Combo WF/WPF Master Class with Brian Noyes (23rd - 27th June 2008)

    23-27 Jun 2008 in Ascot, United Kingdom

    Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a framework for building process-oriented workflow applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Workflow provides a design abstraction for building sequential processes or state-machine driven logic in middle tier or presentation tier applications.

  • The WCF Master Class with Michele Leroux Bustamante (11th - 15th February 2008)

    11-15 Feb 2008 in Ascot, United Kingdom

    The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Master Class is a 5 days training, and is the worlds best, most intense WCF training.

  • Combo WF/WPF Master Class with Brian Noyes (14th - 18th January 2008)

    14-18 Jan 2008 in Heathrow, United Kingdom

    Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a framework for building process-oriented workflow applications using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Workflow provides a design abstraction for building sequential processes or state-machine driven logic in middle tier or presentation tier applications.

  • WCF Master Class Featuring Juval Lowy in the UK

    18-22 Jun 2007 in Heathrow, United Kingdom

    We are currently in the process of getting Juval Lowy to conduct his world renowned WCF Master Class in the UK. This will be his first WCF Master Class being held here. I find it hard to believe this as Juval Lowy is the world authority on WCF. Juval has currently been giving this course in America, Australia, continental Europe and Asia. We are currently in the process of adding the UK to his itinerary.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.” - E. W. Dijkstra