Stored Procedures

Insert Stored Procedures

Now that we have covered stored procedure parameters, it's time to see how we can apply them to an INSERT stored procedure. If we couldn't provide parameters to an INSERT stored procedure, the stored procedure really wouldn't do us any good and we would have to use in-line SQL statements instead. This section covers simple INSERT stored procedures and how we use parameters to maximize their usefulness.

Let's start by looking at what is required to build an INSERT stored procedure to insert the state names and state abbreviations. Our table design has four columns in the State_T table: State_ID, State_Name_VC, State_Abbreviation_CH, and Last_Update_DT. The first column, State_ID, is an Identity column. We do not have to specify any values for that column, as SQL Server will automatically populate that column for us with the next available number. The last column, Last_Update_DT, contains the last date and time the row of data was inserted or updated. SQL Server provides a built-in function called GetDate() that we can call to populate that column, so we do not need to pass the stored procedure data for that column. That leaves us with two columns for which we need to pass data to the stored procedure.

If you recall our discussion on parameters at the beginning of this chapter, we need to prefix our parameter names with the @ sign, and specify the data types.

Looking at the following stored procedure code fragment, we see that we have specified two input parameters that the stored procedure will require. The first parameter is a VarChar data type and can contain up to 15 characters. The second parameter is a Char data type and requires two characters. If you only pass one character, SQL Server will pad that parameter with an extra character, because a Char data type requires the exact number of characters that are specified.

CREATE PROCEDURE up_parmins_state_name (@state_name VarChar(15),
   @state_abbreviation Char(2)) AS

The parameters that are specified are considered local variables because they are required to be prefixed with the @ sign. We can use these variables in our stored procedure just like we could in VB. We can change the values of these variables, and we could use them in an expression that tests their values to ensure that they are equal to something.

The actual heart of the INSERT stored procedure is to insert values into a table. This can be coded in one of two ways, as we discussed in Chapter 5. We could use the following short method:

INSERT [Into] TableName VALUES(ValueList)

Or we could use the proper method, shown below, which will cause us less headaches in the long run. This also makes the stored procedure easier to build and debug, as well as maintain.

INSERT [Into] TableName [(ColumnList)] VALUES(ValueList)

We will be using the last method in our stored procedures, and our parameters will get populated in the ValueList. So let's move on and build our INSERT stored procedure and VB program to execute the stored procedure.

Try It Out – Insert Stored Procedure

1.    The first thing we need to do is to build the INSERT stored procedure to insert state names and state abbreviations, as shown in the figure below.

2.    Execute the SQL statements to create the stored procedure.


3.    Next you need to use Enterprise Manager to set the permissions for this stored procedure, to allow the Developers and Sales Staff roles to execute this stored procedure.

4.    To build the VB project, start by copying the frmTryItOut2.frm form from the last example (for example by using Windows Explorer) and name it frmTryItOut3.frm.

5.    Start a new Standard EXE VB project and set a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library.

6.    Remove the current form and add the existing form that you just copied. You will need to change the form name once it is loaded in your project, and change the form caption.

7.    Now add the clsStates class from your last project to this project – we do not want to change the name of the class or copy it to another file.

8.    Last, change the start up object for your project in the Project Properties dialog to start with the form frmTryItOut3. At this point the project should run and behave as in the last example.

9.    We want to add a command button to execute our INSERT stored procedure, as shown opposite, giving it a Name of cmdAdd and a Caption of Add:

10. To provide the functionality to execute the INSERT stored procedure we have just created, add the following code to your project. In the general declarations of the form add:

'Declare module level variables
Private m_varBookMark As Variant
Private m_strLastState As String

11. Add the following code to the cmdAdd_Click procedure:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
   'Declare local variables
   Dim lngRC As Long
   Dim strError As String
   'Save the current record
   m_varBookMark = m_objRS.Bookmark
   m_strLastState = m_objRS!State_Name_VC
   'Instantiate an instance of the clsStates class
   Dim objAdd As New clsStates
   'Call the method to add the state
   lngRC = objAdd.AddState(m_objConn, _
      txtStateName.Text, txtStateAbbreviation.Text, strError)
   'Check for errors
   If lngRC = 0 Then
      'No error, get a new listing of state names
      Call GetStates
      'An error occurred, display the error
      Call SetMsg(strError, vbRed)
   End If
   'Dereference the class
   Set objAdd = Nothing
End Sub

12. Modify the GetStates procedure by adding the following code:

Private Sub GetStates()
   'If the recordset has been set and is open, then close it
   If Not m_objRS Is Nothing Then
      If m_objRS.State = adStateOpen Then
      End If
   End If
   'Instantiate an instance of the clsStates class
   Dim objSelect As New clsStates
   'Call the method to return a recordset of states
   Set m_objRS = objSelect.GetAllStates(m_objConn)
   If m_objRS Is Nothing Then
      'Error occurred getting recordset, display message
      Call SetMsg("Error occurred getting recordset", vbRed)
      Call DisableButtons
      If Not IsEmpty(m_varBookMark) Then
         'Move to the appropriate record and load the fields
         m_objRS.Bookmark = m_varBookMark
         If m_objRS!State_Name_VC < m_strLastState Then
            Call cmdMoveNext_Click
            Call LoadFields(m_objRS!State_Name_VC, _
         End If
         'Move to the first record
         Call cmdMoveFirst_Click
      End If
   End If
   'Dereference the class
   Set objSelect = Nothing
End Sub

13. The code which needs to be added to the end of the clsStates class is listed in the How It Works – The States Class Module section. Don't forget to add a description for this method in the Procedure Attributes, as described in the last example.

How It Works – The Stored Procedure

Let's take a look at the INSERT stored procedure. As we mentioned in Chapter 5, we specify each column name that we are inserting data into to avoid confusion and problems later. Next we insert the values using the parameters that were specified in the first line of our stored procedure. SQL Server provides a built-in function called GetDate() to get the current date and time in the required format for a DateTime data type. We use this function to insert the current date and time into the Last_Update_DT column:

CREATE PROCEDURE up_parmins_state_name (@state_name VarChar(15),
   @state_abbreviation Char(2)) AS
   (State_Name_VC, State_Abbreviation_CH, Last_Update_DT)
   VALUES(@state_name, @state_abbreviation, GetDate())

The States Class Module

We want to take a look at the code in our class module next. All of the code presented step by step in this section needs to be entered into the class module. Before we add a new state to the database we need to validate that some data exists and that the state name passed is not greater than 15 characters. We do this in a validation routine that accepts the state name as a parameter and returns a Boolean value indicating success or failure of the validation:

Private Function ValidateStateAbbreviation( _
                  ByVal strStateAbbreviation As String) As Boolean

The first thing we do in this function is to set up the return value, which by default is set to True:

   'Set default return value
   ValidateStateAbbreviation = True


Next we validate that the parameter passed in, state abbreviation, contains some data, by checking to ensure that the length of the parameter is not equal to zero. If it is then we set the function return value to False:

   'Validate data exists
   If Len(Trim(strStateAbbreviation)) = 0 Then
      ValidateStateAbbreviation = False
   End If


Next we ensure that the state abbreviation is exactly two characters. If it is any more or any less than two characters we set the function to return a value of False:

   'Validate state name is equal to 2 characters
   If Len(Trim(strStateAbbreviation)) <> 2 Then
      ValidateStateAbbreviation = False
   End If
End Function

We provide similar functionality for the state name:

Private Function ValidateStateName(ByVal strStateName As String) As Boolean
   'Set default return value
   ValidateStateName = True
   'Validate data exists
   If Len(Trim(strStateName)) = 0 Then
      ValidateStateName = False
   End If
   'Validate state name is not greater than 15 characters
   If Len(Trim(strStateName)) > 15 Then
      ValidateStateName = False
   End If
End Function

The method in our class to add a new state accepts the Connection object by reference, and the state name and state abbreviation by value. We need a means to know what error message was encountered, if any, so we pass a string variable by reference. This method will set the strError variable to the error description it encountered. We will return a long return code of zero if everything was successful:

Public Function AddState(ByRef objConn As ADODB.Connection, _
                           ByVal strStateName As String, _
                           ByVal strStateAbbreviation As String, _
                           ByRef strError As String) As Long

The first thing we do in our function is to declare the database objects and local variables that we need. Then we set up our error handling to force us to our error handler if we encounter any errors:

   'Declare database objects and local variables
   Dim objErr As ADODB.Error
   Dim strSQL As String
   'Setup error handling
   On Error GoTo AddState_EH


We call our validation routines to validate the data passed. If validation failed, we raise an error using the VB Error object's Raise method. We really aren't concerned with the error number so we use the same error number in both routines. What we are concerned with is the error message, which is unique for each error. After an error is raised, we are forced to the error handler at the bottom of our procedure:

   'Validate data
   If Not ValidateStateName(strStateName) Then
      'Raise an error
      Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, "clsStates.AddState", _
         "State Name is either empty or exceeds 15 characters"
   End If
   If Not ValidateStateAbbreviation(strStateAbbreviation) Then
      'Raise an error
      Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, "clsStates.AddState", _
         "State Abbreviation is either empty or not equal to 2 characters"
   End If

If the data has passed validation then we build our SQL string next. Since we are not expecting any return parameters or a return value from the stored procedure, we will not use the Command object to execute our stored procedure. Instead we are going to use the Connection object and we need only pass it a SQL string to execute.

Here we specify the stored procedure to execute, prefixed with the owner ID, which you must remember to change. The parameters that are passed to the stored procedure need to be enclosed in parentheses and all string parameters need to be enclosed in single quotes. A comma separates each parameter passed to the stored procedure. Notice that we are forcing the state abbreviation to uppercase using the built-in VB UCase function:

   'Build the SQL string
   strSQL = "willist.up_parmins_state_name ('" & _
      strStateName & "','" & UCase(strStateAbbreviation) & "')"


We execute our SQL string using the Connection object. If an error occurs we are forced to the error handler:

   'Insert the state data
   objConn.Execute strSQL

If all goes well, we find ourselves here and set a good return code, de-reference our database objects and exit the function:

   'Return with a good return code
   AddState = 0
   'Dereference the database objects
   Set objErr = Nothing
   'All was successful, exit function
   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function

Our error handler code is a bit more complex than the last method that we coded in this class. Here we could receive either a database error or an error that we raised from the validation of data. First we check to see if the Errors collection contains any errors, by querying the Count property. If it is greater than zero we know that the error that forced us here came from ADO or SQL Server. Since we are only interested in the first error message, we set the objErr object to the first error message in the Errors collection, and then set the strError variable to the error description:

   'Ensure the error came from ADO
   If objConn.Errors.Count > 0 Then
      'Get the first error in the errors collection
      Set objErr = objConn.Errors(0)
      'Set the error message
      strError = objErr.Description

If the error came from the VB Error object we set the strError variable to the description of the VB Error object:

      'Set the error message
      strError = Err.Description
   End If

Last we de-reference our database objects and set the return code for this function:

   'Dereference the database objects
   Set objErr = Nothing
   'Return with a bad return code
   AddState = 1
   On Error GoTo 0
End Function

 The Form

Switching to our VB code in the form, we added a variant variable to the general declarations section of our form to hold a bookmark. When we add a new state we need to have that state added to our recordset. Since we are using a disconnected recordset, we must call the GetStates procedure to get a new copy of the recordset. Providing a good UI, we reposition the user to the record they were on when they added the new state. We also add a variable to hold the last state name, which we will explain shortly:

'Declare module level variables
Private m_varBookMark As Variant
Private m_strLastState As String

When a user clicks on the Add button on the form we want to execute the code below. This will call the method above to add the state name and abbreviation. First we declare the local variables that we need in this procedure:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
   'Declare local variables
   Dim lngRC As Long
   Dim strError As String


Just in case the user has navigated through the recordset, we save the current position. We do this by setting the bookmark variable, so we can return them to this point in the recordset once we have added the new record. We also save the current state name that will be used shortly:

   'Save the current record
   m_varBookMark = m_objRS.Bookmark
   m_strLastState = m_objRS!State_Name_VC

We instantiate an instance of the clsStates class and execute the method to add the new state, passing it the required parameters. The strError variable that we have declared locally is being passed by reference. If an error occurs, this variable will contain the error description set by the AddState method:

   'Instantiate an instance of the clsStates class
   Dim objAdd As New clsStates
   'Call the method to add the state
   lngRC = objAdd.AddState(m_objConn, _
      txtStateName.Text, txtStateAbbreviation.Text, strError)

After executing the AddState method we need to check the return code. If it equals zero then everything was successful. We then need to get a new copy of the recordset that contains the state just added, by calling the GetStates procedure.

If an error occurred then we call the SetMsg procedure, passing it the strError variable that contains the error that was set in the AddState method:

   'Check for errors
   If lngRC = 0 Then
      'No error, get a new listing of state names
      Call GetStates
      'An error occurred, display the error
      Call SetMsg(strError, vbRed)
   End If


Last, we de-reference the instance of the clsStates class by setting it to Nothing:

   'Dereference the class
   Set objAdd = Nothing
End Sub

In the GetStates procedure we need to modify the code to reposition the recordset to the current record that was displayed when the user added a new state. We do this by checking to see if the m_varBookMark variable is empty. If it is not then we want to reposition the user to the record they were on before the add was carried out. We do this by setting the Bookmark property of the Recordset object to the bookmark that we saved.

While the bookmark method is efficient at repositioning us to the current record we were on, there is one little drawback. First, we have got a new recordset that contains one more row than before. Second, the state names are returned in our recordset alphabetically. If you add a state that comes before the state you were on, you are positioned to the state you were on minus one. In other words, if the state displayed is North Carolina and you add Arizona, then Arizona becomes the current record. This is assuming of course that there is only one state listed in the recordset. Using the m_strLastState variable we can compare the current state name in the recordset with the saved state name. If the recordset contains a state name less than what was saved, then we know that we need to advance one record position forward to return the user to the exact record they were on.

If we move forward one record, the cmdMoveNext_Click procedure will take care of loading the fields with the correct data. If the bookmark was accurate then we need to call the procedure LoadFields to load the current data:

If Not IsEmpty(m_varBookMark) Then
         'Move to the appropriate record and load the fields
         m_objRS.Bookmark = m_varBookMark
         If m_objRS!state_name_vc < m_strLastState Then
            Call cmdMoveNext_Click
            Call LoadFields(m_objRS!State_Name_VC, _
         End If
         'Move to the first record
         Call cmdMoveFirst_Click
      End If
   End If

At this point you should be able to run your program and add a new state. After entering a new state name, tab to the state abbreviation field. What you will notice is that you have to highlight the text before entering a new abbreviation. After you enter a couple of states and abbreviations you can see what a nuisance this is.

Try It Out – Inserting State Data

1.    To help make our UI more user-friendly we need to automatically highlight the text when the user tabs to a textbox, and we achieve this using the following code, which you should add to the form:

Private Sub txtStateAbbreviation_GotFocus()
   txtStateAbbreviation.SelLength = Len(txtStateAbbreviation.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtStateName_GotFocus()
   txtStateName.SelLength = Len(txtStateName.Text)
End Sub

2.    Enter the state names and abbreviations listed in the table below:

State Name


State Name
















New Hampshire




New Jersey




New Mexico




New York




North Carolina




North Dakota




















Rhode Island




South Carolina




South Dakota




























West Virginia










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