Latest Aspect-Oriented Programming developer content from Developer Fusion Latest Aspect-Oriented Programming developer content from Developer Fusion en-GB Mon, 23 Jan 2012 14:03:00 GMT An Introduction To Practical AOP Using PostSharp In this article, Brady Gaster introduces the concept of Aspect Oriented Programming and how it can reduce code smells in your work. He uses PostSharp to refactor out logging, timing, transaction and GUI update code into separate and automatically executing Aspects Mon, 23 Jan 2012 14:03:00 GMT Brady Gaster Introduction to AOP Podcast (MP3): Download Hosts: Markus Guests: Christa Schwanninger, Iris Groher Recording venue: This episode is a systematic introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming (in contrast to the interview with Gregor Kiczales). We discuss the fundamentals of AOP, defin... Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:13:17 GMT James Crowley AOP in JavaScript using Humax Framework In this article, I've explained how can we design our client side application with aspect-oriented approach along with object-oriented approach using the open source web framework "Humax". Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:13:16 GMT M Sheik Uduman Ali Aspect Oriented Programming using .NET Till now we were talking about non-mainstream languages to use Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Learn what exactly AOP is, and how you can go about getting this functionality in C#. Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:13:16 GMT Abhinaba Basu