ASP.NET AJAX Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2011-02-02T18:35:00.00Z Lessons learned writing AJAX applications 2011-02-02T18:35:00.00Z We’re all familiar these days with the Ajax buzz word – but while it’s relatively simple to use these browser technologies to implement a specific feature in an individual page, it is much more complex to build an entire application according to the Ajax paradigm. This article offers a brief overview of a few aspects you might want to take into account for building successful applications. Dino Esposito Inside ASP.NET AJAX back end services 2008-01-26T13:30:00.00Z Most of the emphasis with AJAX is on how to perform an asynchronous update at the client. Dino Esposito considers the other end of the connection – how exactly does the server provide the data that the client needs? Dino Esposito Have you seen the Silverlight? 2007-09-17T20:49:00.00Z So you want fancy, sexy streaming media in the UI? And you want cool animations, fancy glow-in-the-dark buttons and decent, scalable vector graphics? And you want to run your application in a browser on both Windows and Mac OSX? If you’re already reaching for your copy of How to Wow with Flash, stop. There’s a new kid muscling onto the somewhat crowded Rich Interactive Application (RIA) block, and it’s coming from Microsoft. Dave Wheeler Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part One 2007-05-14T21:05:00.00Z In part one of this two part article, you will learn about five of the top ten “worst offenders” of misconfigurations of application security that can cause overall problems for ASP.NET Web-based applications. Learn more about how to secure the Web.config files of an ASP.NET application. Bryan Sullivan Implementing AJAX in ASP.NET 2005-06-27T10:29:00.00Z Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) has recently become the craze thanks, in no small part, to Google’s usage of it in Google Suggest as well as Google Maps. Karl looks at how it works, and how we can implement it in ASP.NET using a free AJAX.NET wrapper. Karl Seguin