Cloud Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2013-01-07T13:40:00.00Z Automate web application UI testing with Selenium 2010-10-04T08:38:00.00Z Testing web applications is a problem, but Sing Li thinks the solution might be easier than you think with Selenium. Sing Li The Evolution of a Azure Web Application 2013-01-07T13:40:00.00Z Windows Azure Web Sites and Windows Azure Virtual Machine - learn what it means for you Michael Collier Deploying An Azure Application 2011-09-02T20:54:00.00Z Following on from our look at the four main pieces of Windows Azure in “Introduction to Windows Azure”, John Mannix runs us through the development of an Azure application in C# and its deployment into the cloud. John Mannix To The Cloud: Moving Red Gate Tools to SQL Azure 2011-08-23T20:04:00.00Z Roger Hart looks back at Red Gate's inclusion of SQL Azure into its database applications, the issues they encountered and the solutions they created Roger Hart How to migrate your ASP.NET site to the Azure cloud 2011-05-31T08:34:00.00Z Many developers might not realise just how straightfoward it is to migrate an ASP.NET website from a hosted server into the Azure cloud. We show you how. Richard Parker Introduction to Windows Azure - What you should know 2011-05-17T14:51:00.00Z Neil Mackenzie looks at where Windows Azure fits among the various cloud computing offerings in the wild today, and also at the four key areas of Azure that new developers will need to be aware of when they start their first project. Neil Mackenzie The future is Azured? 2009-04-01T00:00:00.00Z Azure is Microsoft's new programming paradigm, and Harry Fairhead investigates how much cloud there is in cloud computing. Harry Fairhead