Video CSS Media from Developer Fusion 2012-03-22T07:16:00.00Z #334 Compass & CSS Sprites 2012-03-22T07:16:00.00Z Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode. James Crowley #330 Better Sass with Bourbon 2012-03-07T22:47:00.00Z If you are tired of the browser vendor prefixes in CSS, check out Bourbon. It provides Sass mixins and functions to make CSS more convenient. James Crowley #328 Twitter Bootstrap Basics 2012-02-29T08:02:00.00Z Twitter Bootstrap can help make beautiful web apps quickly by providing you with useful CSS and JavaScript. Here you will learn how to include it into Rails with the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem. James Crowley #312 Sending HTML Email 2012-01-02T08:20:00.00Z HTML email can be difficult to code because any CSS should be made inline. Here I present a few tools for doing this including the premailer-rails3 and roadie gems. James Crowley #268 Sass Basics 2011-05-30T08:05:00.00Z Sass extends CSS with variables, nesting, mixins and more. Here I show how to convert plain CSS to SCSS in a Rails 3.1 app. James Crowley #180 Finding Unused CSS 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Over time a CSS file can become large and filled with unused selectors. In this episode I show how to use the Deadweight gem to determine which CSS selects you can remove. James Crowley Episode 32 - Use find and replace to cut down workflow in Flash - PLUS CSS tips from Tom Kershaw 2009-04-01T00:00:00.00Z Make a Spry Accordian Menu and style it with CSS in Dreamweaver James Crowley Page layout in Dreamweaver 2009-04-01T00:00:00.00Z Page layout in Dreamweaver. In this episode we cover basic CSS layout, working with Divs to create a simple site template. James Crowley Coding CSS in Dreamweaver 2009-04-01T00:00:00.00Z Coding CSS in Dreamweaver. In this episode of Web Design TV Paul Wyatt shows you how to get started with CSS in Dreamweaver. Paul reveals how to navigate the Dreamweaver interface, and introduces the basics of CSS. James Crowley RIA Weekly #58 2010-06-10T16:01:00.00Z While in Mountain View a little bit ago, I had the chance to catch up with Appcelerator's Jeff Haynie. While Jeff has been on RIA Weekly before, I start out by asking him to go over what Appecelerator does. As he susinctly puts it, their offerings focusing on providing a framework and runtime. James Crowley