Perl Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2010-10-04T08:38:00.00Z Automate web application UI testing with Selenium 2010-10-04T08:38:00.00Z Testing web applications is a problem, but Sing Li thinks the solution might be easier than you think with Selenium. Sing Li Regular expressions in C# - the director's cut 2010-09-23T10:58:00.00Z If you think regular expressions are trivial and boring, Mike James reveals that in .NET they are amazing powerful and not to be missed. Mike James C# 4.0 goes dynamic - a step too far? 2009-02-12T13:54:00.00Z Is C# in danger of too much change? Mike James ponders the implications of dynamic types in C Mike James Test-Driven Development in .NET 2006-01-18T11:53:00.00Z An article presenting benefits and techniques for using test-driven development in .NET, specifically examining the NUnit testing framework. Peter Provost XP, Component Services and .NET 2003-02-18T15:37:00.00Z Learn about the changes introduced by COM+, new features included in Windows XP for COM+, and how to use COM+ services from your .NET programs. John Godel