RIA & Web Sample code from Developer Fusion 2006-02-27T17:30:00.00Z How to create XML files 2003-08-13T10:23:00.00Z How to generate XML files in PHP using its new_child function. Edward Tanguay CSS font shorthand rule 2006-02-02T16:05:00.00Z Learn how to shorten those CSS font rules. Trenton Moss Adding controls to PlaceHolders dynamically 2003-07-07T04:29:00.00Z A simple example demonstrating how to dynamically add controls to a PlaceHolder control. Edward Tanguay CSS Positioning Within a Container 2006-02-18T12:44:00.00Z One of the best things about CSS is that you can position an object absolutely anywhere you want in the document. It's also possible (and often desirable) to position objects within a container. It's simple to do too. Trenton Moss Customize XML Serialization using IXmlSerializable 2004-12-17T16:14:00.00Z Learn how to implement the IXmlSerializable in order to customize serialization of your objects - for instance, serializing a NameValueCollection. James Crowley Convert RTF to HTML 2001-07-14T14:48:00.00Z A visual basic module allowing you to convert a formatted RTF file to HTML! Brady H Generate an Image of a Web Page 2005-07-22T15:50:00.00Z Demonstrates how to fetch images and thumbnails of web pages using a hidden web browser control. Alan Dean Dynamically Adding OPTIONS to SELECT 2002-04-01T12:31:00.00Z How To: Dynamically Add an OPTION to a SELECT in a browser Bruce Johnson How to write to an XML file 2002-07-13T06:38:00.00Z Writing to XML files is quite easy in ASP.NET as there are so many objects prepared for you -- you just need the syntax on how to use them. This code shows you how to write a simple member XML file. Edward Tanguay Automatically check/uncheck multiple checkboxes 2002-02-26T10:03:00.00Z Allow a user to easily uncheck and check all the checkboxes on a form Kiran Pai Set the target frame of a form 2002-02-26T10:16:00.00Z How to make the output of a form appear in a new window or another frame Kiran Pai Embed text in Image using ASP.NET 2005-01-07T08:41:00.00Z Demonstrates how to dynamically embed a text caption embedded into an image. Julian Roberts XML Node Insert 2003-01-09T09:02:00.00Z Someone recently asked on the Undernet #C# channel for help with inserting a block of XML into an existing XML document. After perusing a couple of MSDN articles here's what I came up with. Paul Parks Inserting images into Word documents using XML 2005-03-19T14:00:00.00Z I've seen many, many requests on the Microsoft newsgroups asking how you can insert a picture into a Word document without saving it to the file system first. This example application described in this blog illustrates both methods for inserting a picture firstly using the Word object model (InlineShapes.AddPicture) and secondly using Word's XML support (InsertXML). Jonathan Greensted Url Rewriting with Regex for ASP.NET 2.0 2006-01-29T11:16:00.00Z A new feature in ASP.NET 2.0 is it's built-in url rewriting support. When i looked into this new feature I found that it lacked regular expressions support, which is really the point of an Url Mapper. So, this code demonstrates how to create a Url Rewriting Module with Regex support in ASP.NET. Xavier Larrea How to disable all elements on a form 2006-01-11T23:32:00.00Z You almost always want to have your form to be disabled as soon as the user pressed the submit button so that the user doesn't accidently submit the form twice. Here's how. Edward Tanguay Uploading Files Using ASP.NET 2006-02-27T17:30:00.00Z No need of third party components to upload your files. It is so easy to upload files in ASP.NET using just 3 lines of code. Man from Mars Change Text Field Colors 2001-12-28T18:40:00.00Z This function will change the colors of a form text box field. Super Tal Building an 'AJAX' ProgressBar in Atlas 2006-02-02T15:45:00.00Z Learn how to write a basic, client-side Atlas progress bar, and download the source code. Wilco Bauwer Finding a string inside a larger string 2002-04-15T14:56:00.00Z Explains how to find a string inside of a bigger string David Nishimoto