Ruby Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2010-11-02T11:33:00.00Z Rails MVC and routing 2010-11-02T11:33:00.00Z Kevin Jones thinks that the key idea in Rails is routing. See how this fits in with the MVC pattern and find out more about Rails by reading on. Kevin Jones Rails: an introduction 2010-11-02T10:11:00.00Z Ever wondered what “Rails” is all about? Kevin Jones explains what it is and why it's important. Kevin Jones Unit testing in Ruby 2010-10-04T08:48:00.00Z Kevin Jones explores unit testing in Ruby, and shows how Rails offers extra features. Kevin Jones Automate web application UI testing with Selenium 2010-10-04T08:38:00.00Z Testing web applications is a problem, but Sing Li thinks the solution might be easier than you think with Selenium. Sing Li Regular expressions in C# - the director's cut 2010-09-23T10:58:00.00Z If you think regular expressions are trivial and boring, Mike James reveals that in .NET they are amazing powerful and not to be missed. Mike James ActiveRecord for Ruby and Rails 2010-07-16T10:07:00.00Z Kevin Jones explains how ActiveRecord works in Rails, and in a standalone Ruby application. Kevin Jones C# 4.0 goes dynamic - a step too far? 2009-02-12T13:54:00.00Z Is C# in danger of too much change? Mike James ponders the implications of dynamic types in C Mike James The Future of .NET Languages 2009-01-09T16:37:00.00Z Wondered why Microsoft always seems to release different language features for each language? Discover how .NET 4.0 will reduce the disparity between C# and VB.NET with some great new features for both languages, plus a new dynamic language runtime and new functional and parallel programming languages. Damon Armstrong Rails: an introduction 2008-12-08T11:05:00.00Z You've heard the hype - but not given it a shot yet? Kevin Jones explains the background of MVC, DRY and TDD and how to get started with your first Ruby on Rails web app! Kevin Jones Inside ASP.NET AJAX back end services 2008-01-26T13:30:00.00Z Most of the emphasis with AJAX is on how to perform an asynchronous update at the client. Dino Esposito considers the other end of the connection – how exactly does the server provide the data that the client needs? Dino Esposito Aspect Oriented Programming using .NET 2006-01-30T10:40:00.00Z Till now we were talking about non-mainstream languages to use Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Learn what exactly AOP is, and how you can go about getting this functionality in C#. Abhinaba Basu