Ruby User Group from Developer Fusion 2011-02-27T20:06:00.00Z The Seattle Ruby on Rails Developers Meetup Group 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z If you're a rails dev, you already know, there aren't a whole lot of resources out there for us, not like there is for php, that's for sure.I thought it would be helpful for all of us railers to interact, learn, share, network, and hang out. My personal goal is to become an expert ruby on rails developer. If you share that goal, this is the place for you. James Crowley The Dallas Ruby/Rails Meetup Group 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z Meet other local Ruby/Rails and Web Design programmers. James Crowley The London Web Design Meetup Group 2006-03-02T12:59:00.00Z Monthly meetings - social event - 2 presentations each time, with a wide range of topics, from AJAX to Ruby, from PHP to Java, from Creative Design to Information Structure. emmanuel ide OpenSource & Agile Community Events 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z What Topics?Java & JEE, Design & DDD, OpenSource.NET, Ajax & RIA, Cloud&Grid, SOAWhat kind of events?We organise free evening events, which we call In-the-Brain Sessions, through these sessions we hope to give you the opportunity to have a peek in the brain of Technology creators and industry thinkers, shakers and movers!We host various User Group meetings, enabling the community to meet up in our fully equiped premises and share skills and ideas, for example, the London JAVAWUG and . James Crowley The NH Ruby and Rails Meetup 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z NHRuby is a group of people who are enthusiasts of the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails web development framework. Please visit also maintains the following mailing lists: * * up on twitter: James Crowley Seattle RailsBridge Group 2011-02-27T20:06:00.00Z This group is for organizing and conducting the Seattle RailsBridge Ruby On Rails workshops. The goal is to increase gender diversity in the Ruby community by helping women learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails.The workshops are geared to help primarily women learn Ruby on Rails. It is a free workshop and any level of experience is accepted. James Crowley The Northern Virginia Ruby Meetup Group 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z The Northern Virginia Ruby MeetUp is dedicated to Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Web 2.0. James Crowley GrWebDev - Grand Rapids Web Development Group 2010-12-30T12:51:00.00Z We are a group of web developers in the Grand Rapids, MI area. The group is just forming, but we will be probably be focused on the framework-agnostic parts of web development such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript.Whether you code in Ruby, Python, PHP, Perl, or ASP.NET, when you develop for the web there is a lot of common ground. No matter if your web site runs on Linux, Windows, OSX, or the cloud, we all need many of the same tricks and techniques. James Crowley Dublin Alt.NET 2010-11-11T14:02:00.00Z The first ALT.NET group in Ireland. We will be meeting monthly to discuss issues that interest us in a loose, informal discussion-style environment. All software developers of every stripe are hereby extended an invitation to participate in the discussion or just come and see what all this ALT.NET stuff is about. James Crowley Denver Ruby Rails Hack Night 2010-11-01T12:36:00.00Z Get together for some Ruby Rails hack nights James Crowley