SEO Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2007-07-01T18:56:00.00Z Using Ajax for Web Application Development: What Businesses Need to Know 2007-07-01T18:56:00.00Z Ajax is a hot topic today when it comes to web application development projects. Because it's become such a buzzword, businesses may be wondering how they can incorporate this form of web programming into their websites and what the benefits could be. This article will help you understand the origins of Ajax as well as the pros and cons of its use. Francis Wong Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Checklist 2007-04-15T21:18:00.00Z Search engine optimisation is pretty much part and parcel of creating websites these days. Getting the basics right don't require a large amount of work, but can make all the difference. James Crowley Moving from Tables to CSS 2006-01-11T23:37:00.00Z Learn how to migrate your existing sites from tables to CSS, and how to start including more CSS based design into your workflow. Why? Because I still think many people find learning to build CSS layout sites from scratch difficult. There's a steep learning curve associated with CSS design, much more so than tables, and getting consistent results across different browsers is tricky, even for the more experienced. Roan Lavery