HowTo Create (or edit and save) a Custom AutoFormat Template for Visual Studio 2005 (Web Developer project) Tanzania
  • 12 years ago

    Hello everyone,
    I have been a programmer for about 3 years now, but only as a hobbyist.  I know I can manually edit the properties of the indivindual parts of the templates for the components, (ie, create new user, log in, etc.) or even edit it in the code.

    However, I would like to create and save a custom autoformat template that can automatically be applied from the component's quicktasks menu.

    Is there a file(s) in which the included templates are stored?  If so, I may be able to edit these directly.
    Is there a section in the options for VS05 in which these are stored. Maybe I could edit these here.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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