can u help in getting the code for the following task , javascript Saudi Arabia
  • 12 years ago
    1. Create one web form with grid view control. In the grid view we have a detail like Employee No and Details Link. When we click on details link create one popup window in this popup window  we will populate the Employee Name, Employee No, Employee Salary, Employee Department. When we update the Employee details in the popup window that updations will   be effected to the grid view.
  • 12 years ago

    hi vasu,

    -use databound column and a itemtemplate column with a link button. bind it with the datasource.

    - then you have to use javascript to popup another web page and pass the query string i.e. the employee code.

    - perform the necessary changes there.

    - and once you close the window refresh the parent form.

    - for javascript you can check my previous posts.



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