What technology / Framework would you propose

java , php , rad , crud Kassel, Germany
  • 12 years ago
    Hi, I need to develop a web application for a customer. The customer is a medium-sized company that builds special machines for large industries. Now they want me to create a web application that enables them to build different forms for maintenance, repairing and documentation by selecting different controls (text box, text area, drop down) and placing them below each other. Each of them should then get different validation options as "required, valid mail adress, zip, etc". Finally they want to generate different pdf reports. All data should be saved inside a MySQL database. Additionally they want to application to run as well on local clients, that can be synced with the "real" application. I haven't worked on such a project before, but am able to develop in Java and PHP. My main problem is that I am not that a good designer, so a default design template of the framework that can be extended by me would be profitable. I am currently varying from PHP to Java (EE) and don't know what might be better for that. As well I don't know what framework to use - I thought of Prado (PHP) and zkoos (Java), but haven't had yet the time to examine them properly. Do you have experiences in developing that kind of web application. What language and RAD Framework would you propose? Thank you in advance!
  • 12 years ago
    I managed to get a site administrating system with that kind of design. I used so-called "schemes" for each section - a little config file, that contained all the fields, their types, descriptions and names in the database. Works fine though.. Used plain PHP and MySQL.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi there - these days in my opinion there's not much to choose between the various platforms and frameworks - they've all got their pros and cons, but ultimately won't make a huge different to the end product you deliver - it's more down to the developer! (A bad developer will make a hash of it not matter what the framework). That said, I suspect PHP would be quicker to get up and running, and you'd find it easier to track down developers that have design skills to help on the templating side of things. In my experience, Java (and .NET) tends to attract more back-end type developers, so finding someone who can do the coding and then the CSS/HTML/design work too is easier! Just my 2 cents :)
  • 12 years ago
    Hi, You might want to try datafacade. You can find the details here http://www.datafacade.com
  • 12 years ago
    Hello You may Visit: [Web Application Development Services](http://www.semaphore-software.com/software-solution/web-application-development.htm)

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