Windy City Perl mongers Meetup

Join other Perl programmers in Chicago for technical assistance, social and business networking, job opportunities, and more. You can be a complete beginner all the way to an expert, and open source zealot or not. We welcome people of all types.Most meetings have a structured component followed by dinner and drinks. You can participate as much or as little as you like.

Events coming up

We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.

Past events

  • An Introduction to the Perl Data Language (PDL)

    27-28 Oct 2011 in Chicago, United States

    Perl is well known for its fast string processing, but a number ofdistributions extend Perl into the domain of high performance andscientific computing. These include the Bio::* modules, the MPIbindings, the nascent CUDA::Minimal, and the Perl Data Language, or PDL. PDL is a collection of modules that "gives standard Perl theability to compactly store and speedily manipulate the large

  • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Postgres 9.1

    13-14 Sep 2011 in Chicago, United States

    Special guest Selena Deckelmann from the Postgres Open Conference shows up to talk to the Perl mongers about the latest features from Postgres. PostgreSQL continues to provide a major release every year full of improvements, better performance and features that measure up to the most popular commercial databases. Our 2011 release, 9.1, is no exception!

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“You can stand on the shoulders of giants OR a big enough pile of dwarfs, works either way.”