Video Media from Developer Fusion 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z #159 More on Cucumber 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z There is a lot more to Cucumber than I showed in an earlier episode. See how to refactor complex scenarios in this episode. James Crowley #155 Beginning with Cucumber 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Cucumber is a high-level testing framework. In this episode we will create a new Rails application from scratch using behavior driven development. James Crowley #199 Mobile Devices 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Change the look and behavior of a Rails app on mobile devices. Also use jQTouch to build a native-looking interface. James Crowley #108 named_scope 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z The named_scope method in Rails 2.1 makes performing finds on models very elegant and convenient. See how in this episode. James Crowley #160 Authlogic 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Authentication can get very complex. In this episode I show how Authlogic can handle this complexity while you stay in control of how it is presented to the user. James Crowley #200 Rails 3 Beta and RVM 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Get started with Rails 3.0 Beta and install Ruby 1.9.1 using RVM: Ruby Version Manager. Stay tuned to the end for a challenge on giving back to open source. James Crowley #136 jQuery 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z How do you use jQuery with Rails? In this episode I redo episode #43 using jQuery instead of Prototype/RJS. James Crowley #197 Nested Model Form Part 2 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using either Prototype or jQuery. James Crowley #75 Complex Forms Part 3 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z In this third and final episode on complex forms I will show you how to edit a project and multiple tasks all in one form. This includes removing and adding tasks dynamically as well. See the show notes for updated code. James Crowley #196 Nested Model Form Part 1 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Handling multiple models in a single form is much easier with the accepts_nested_attributes_for method. See how to use this method to handle nested model fields. James Crowley #134 Paperclip 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Need to add image attachments to a model? See how with paperclip in this episode. James Crowley #202 Active Record Queries in Rails 3 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes. James Crowley #88 Dynamic Select Menus 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z See how to dynamically change a select menu based on another select menu using Javascript. In this episode everything is kept client side which leads to a more responsive user interface. James Crowley #73 Complex Forms Part 1 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Complex forms often lead to complex controllers, but that doesn't have to be the case. In this episode see how you can create multiple models through a single form while keeping the controller clean. James Crowley #188 Declarative Authorization 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Declarative authorization provides an advanced and powerful solution for role based authorization. James Crowley #151 Rack Middleware 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Rack middleware is a way to filter a request and response coming into your application. In this episode I show how to modify the response body using middleware. James Crowley #209 Introducing Devise 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode. James Crowley #67 restful_authentication 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Need multiple user authentication? If so, the restful_authentication plugin is a great way to go. It will generate some basic authentication code for you which is good starting point to your authentication system. Watch this episode for details. James Crowley #127 Rake in Background 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z In need of a background process? You may be able to accomplish this with a simple Rake task. See how in this episode. James Crowley #164 Cron in Ruby 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Cron is great for handling recurring tasks, but it is an external dependency with a crazy syntax. In this episode I show you how to use Whenever to create cron jobs with Ruby. James Crowley