Latest 64bit developer content from Developer Fusion 2011-02-22T12:59:45.00Z Java Posse #229 - Newscast for February 6th 2009 2011-02-22T12:59:45.00Z Newscast for Feb 6th 2009 Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at Please join us for the next Java Posse Roundup - March 3rd to 6th 2009 in Crested Butte, CO, with a free alternative languages on the JVM day on March 2nd. James Crowley Typical errors of porting C++ code on the 64-bit platform 2011-02-09T18:13:07.00Z Program errors occurring while porting C++ code from 32-bit platforms on 64-bit ones are observed. Examples of the incorrect code and the ways to correct it are given. Methods and means of the code analysis which allow to diagnose the errors discussed, are listed. Andrey Karpov The forgotten problems of 64-bit programs development 2011-02-09T18:13:06.00Z Though the history of 64-bit systems development makes more than a decade, the appearance of 64-bit version of OS Windows raised new problems in the sphere of development and testing applications. In the article there are considered some mistakes connected with 64-bit C/C++ code development for Windows. Andrey Karpov