ASP.NET Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2013-01-07T13:40:00.00Z The Evolution of a Azure Web Application 2013-01-07T13:40:00.00Z Windows Azure Web Sites and Windows Azure Virtual Machine - learn what it means for you Michael Collier Protecting your ASP.NET Web API using OAuth2 and the Windows Azure Access Control Service 2012-12-06T10:51:00.00Z The world in which we live evolves at a vast speed. Today, many applications on the Internet expose an API which can be consumed by everyone using a web browser or a mobile application on their smartphone or tablet. How would you build your API if you want these apps to be a full-fledged front-end to your service without compromising security? Maarten explains how. Maarten Balliauw Using HTML5 History in an ASP.NET MVC Site 2012-09-22T22:56:00.00Z Say that each time the user clicks on a menu item in your application, the entire page is refreshed. Not such a big deal if you have a high speed connection, but, if there is a lot of content on the page, this can be a problem. What we need is the ability to fill in the partial view of data and change around the styles on the page without refreshing the complete page. This is where the HTML5 History API comes in, and that’s what this article based on HTML5 for .NET Developers is all about. Dan Maharry An Introduction to testing with the Model-View-Presenter pattern for Web Forms Development 2012-09-13T00:27:00.00Z In this article, Ravi introduces the Model-View-Presenter pattern for Web Forms development, and how it compares to MVC. Then he demonstrates how to get started with it, by creating a page in a test-driven fashion S. Ravi Kiran The HTML5 History API and ASP.NET MVC 2012-01-27T08:15:00.00Z The HTML 5 History API is one of the newer kids on the HTML 5 block. This article based on chapter 4 of HTML5 for .NET Developers shows you one way of getting history integrated with your .NET server-side web applications. Dan Maharry Using NuGet Packages 2011-10-29T20:38:00.00Z NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to pull in libraries, components, and most importantly their configuration into your visual studio project. In this article, based on chapter 5 of ASP.NET MVC 3 in Action, the authors discuss NuGet and show you how to use it to add functionality to a project. Dan Maharry Deploying An Azure Application 2011-09-02T20:54:00.00Z Following on from our look at the four main pieces of Windows Azure in “Introduction to Windows Azure”, John Mannix runs us through the development of an Azure application in C# and its deployment into the cloud. John Mannix Building an HTML5 application with WebSharper Sitelets, Part 1 2011-08-12T20:03:00.00Z In this article, we're going to look at using WebSharper, a web development framework for .NET, to build a small web application from scratch that features an HTML5-based clock. Adam Granicz How to migrate your ASP.NET site to the Azure cloud 2011-05-31T08:34:00.00Z Many developers might not realise just how straightfoward it is to migrate an ASP.NET website from a hosted server into the Azure cloud. We show you how. Richard Parker Improving Web Site Performance and Scalability while saving money 2011-02-11T13:07:00.00Z Learn the tools and techniques that can dramatically improve performance for a web site, while saving money by reducing server load and bandwidth requirements. Robert Boedigheimer Lessons learned writing AJAX applications 2011-02-02T18:35:00.00Z We’re all familiar these days with the Ajax buzz word – but while it’s relatively simple to use these browser technologies to implement a specific feature in an individual page, it is much more complex to build an entire application according to the Ajax paradigm. This article offers a brief overview of a few aspects you might want to take into account for building successful applications. Dino Esposito SharePoint 2010 for Developers - What’s New? 2011-01-14T12:31:00.00Z ASP.NET 2.0 came to SharePoint in 2007 but the development story left us wanting more. Sahil reports on the improvements in SharePoint 2010. Sahil Malik SLOBbing about with .NET 2010-11-22T12:26:00.00Z Persisting objects is all about SLOB (serialized large objects), or so says Dave Wheeler who explains how it's now all so much easier. Dave Wheeler Automate web application UI testing with Selenium 2010-10-04T08:38:00.00Z Testing web applications is a problem, but Sing Li thinks the solution might be easier than you think with Selenium. Sing Li JSP for .NET developers 2010-09-23T10:34:00.00Z It can be difficult to appreciate alien technology even if it's doing exactly the same job as something familiar and well understood. Sing Li makes it easy for .NET enthusiasts to comprehend JSP by comparing it with ASP.NET. Sing Li Architecting systems using Windows Workflow Foundation 2010-07-23T09:11:00.00Z Puzzled by WF? Wonder what it's all for? Richard Blewett takes the mystery out of Windows Workflow. Richard Blewett Mythbusting SharePoint 2010 2010-04-16T09:03:00.00Z When someone mentions SharePoint to you, what do you do? For many people SharePoint is still somewhat of a mystery, they've heard of it, but don't really know what it is. For others it is a painful memory from a few years ago, when the promise of easy web development was not fulfilled. Dave looks at what SharePoint really is, and where it's at with the release of SharePoint 2010 David McMahon The Future of .NET Languages 2009-01-09T16:37:00.00Z Wondered why Microsoft always seems to release different language features for each language? Discover how .NET 4.0 will reduce the disparity between C# and VB.NET with some great new features for both languages, plus a new dynamic language runtime and new functional and parallel programming languages. Damon Armstrong The Next Generation Of Web Development 2009-01-01T00:00:00.00Z Where is Web Development moving to in the future? James Crowley Controller Patterns for ASP.NET 2008-12-15T11:04:00.00Z Discover how to use controllers and partial views within your web applications, allowing powerful web applications to dynamically choose correct views at runtime, and preserving your seperation of concerns. Alex Homer