Latest ASP.NET AJAX developer content from Developer Fusion Latest ASP.NET AJAX developer content from Developer Fusion en-GB Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:04:38 GMT Updates To Bing Maps AJAX Control V7 New modular design and client side clustering features Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:04:38 GMT Adrian Bridgwater Managing Browser History with ASP.NET AJAX and the ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview AJAX applications offer many benefits but one side-effect is the lost of user navigation using the browser's back/forward buttons. The ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview extends ASP.NET AJAX with Browser history support in for ASP.NET AJAX applications. Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:04:37 GMT James Crowley Lessons learned writing AJAX applications We’re all familiar these days with the Ajax buzz word – but while it’s relatively simple to use these browser technologies to implement a specific feature in an individual page, it is much more complex to build an entire application according to the Ajax paradigm. This article offers a brief overview of a few aspects you might want to take into account for building successful applications. Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:04:37 GMT Dino Esposito ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Unleashed As the Internet user experience (UX) progresses, more users are demanding and expecting their custom-built business applications to provide the same UX that they see on the Internet every day. ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX Unleashed empowers ASP.NET developers to easily provide this type of experience with minimal code. Author Rob Foster has built AJAX-enabled web applications for a number of major corporations and uses the experience he has gained there to explain concisely, clearly, and completely what ASP Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:41:30 GMT Robert Foster DXperience Vol 3 and a free CodeRush DXperience now includes an ASP.NET AJAX gauge control for the inclusion of digital dashboards in web-based applications. Sat, 19 Mar 2011 00:41:29 GMT Mike James Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX front end that can easily be extended, reused, and integrated by third parties. Focusing on Microsoft technologies and enterprise servers, including Microsoft SharePoint(r) Server 2007, ASP.NET AJAX, and Microsoft .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5, Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:07:58 GMT Daniel Larson JQuery to ship with Visual Studio ASP.NET AJAX to build on top of JQuery rather than re-invent it Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:07:57 GMT James Crowley Inside ASP.NET AJAX back end services Most of the emphasis with AJAX is on how to perform an asynchronous update at the client. Dino Esposito considers the other end of the connection – how exactly does the server provide the data that the client needs? Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:07:57 GMT Dino Esposito Building an 'AJAX' ProgressBar in Atlas Learn how to write a basic, client-side Atlas progress bar, and download the source code. Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:07:56 GMT Wilco Bauwer Implementing AJAX in ASP.NET Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) has recently become the craze thanks, in no small part, to Google’s usage of it in Google Suggest as well as Google Maps. Karl looks at how it works, and how we can implement it in ASP.NET using a free AJAX.NET wrapper. Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:07:56 GMT Karl Seguin