Latest Concurrency developer content from Developer Fusion 2012-07-16T10:53:26.00Z Parallel Programming for C++ Developers: Tasks and Continuations, Part 1 of 2 2012-07-16T10:53:26.00Z The Parallel Computing Concurrency Runtime team write tools for the C++ community that make it easier to write reliable, performant and scalable concurrent and parallel code. In this conversation, Mike Chu , Dana Groff, Artur Laksberg, and Vinod Koduvayoor Subramanian talk about their latest addi. James Crowley Memory Ordering for Atomic Operations in C++0x 2012-02-10T02:21:38.00Z The operation that writes a value happens before an operation that reads that value. With the default atomic operations that’s indeed true (which is why this is the default), but it does need spelling out: the atomic operations also have other options for the ordering requirements. In this article, based on chapter 5 of C++ Concurrency in Action, author Anthony Williams discusses the memory-ordering tags used for atomic operations and how they relate to the synchronizes-with relation. Dan Maharry Concurrency in LINQ to SQL 2011-04-03T10:58:50.00Z LINQ to SQL presents an optimistic concurrency model that is driven by the mapping data that you provide to the framework. In this video we look at how that works. James Crowley Concurrency handling techniques in ADO.NET 2011-02-09T18:06:33.00Z Joydip Kanjilal looks at the problems caused by concurrency when accessing data, both online and offline, and how to overcome them. Joydip Kanjilal