C# Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2011-01-14T13:37:00.00Z Creating a database connection 2002-10-28T12:17:00.00Z Creating connections and all your data objects are really easy Design-Time, but what if you need it for runtime? Here's how. Tony Ho C# 4.0 goes dynamic - a step too far? 2009-02-12T13:54:00.00Z Is C# in danger of too much change? Mike James ponders the implications of dynamic types in C Mike James Introducing Visual Studio .NET 2008 - Top 10 Features 2008-03-26T20:59:00.00Z After a long beta period, Visual Studio .NET 2008 is finally on general release. There are a ton of new features and enhancements in this release that make it almost a no-brainer to upgrade - I thought I’d take a moment and list my top ten favorites in no particular order. Mark Smith Documentation made easy with C# and XML 2010-10-04T08:47:00.00Z Of course you want to document your code, but how many of us do? Mike James thinks that coding and documenting can go hand-in-hand. Mike James Enhancing your applications for Windows 7 2009-11-17T14:30:00.00Z Windows 7 brings new salvation for .NET developers, and it comes in the form of the Windows 7 API Code Pack for the.NET Framework. Kevin Griffin LINQ to log files 2011-01-14T13:37:00.00Z Running LINQ queries over databases gets all the limelight, but Jon Skeet reminds us of it's possibilities over object graphs too. Jon Skeet New C# 3.0 Language Features 2008-02-28T21:26:00.00Z Learn about some of the new features in C# 3.0 including automatic properties, collection initializers, extension methods, lambda expressions and anonymous types. Scott Guthrie Regular expressions in C# - the director's cut 2010-09-23T10:58:00.00Z If you think regular expressions are trivial and boring, Mike James reveals that in .NET they are amazing powerful and not to be missed. Mike James Why F#? 2008-10-31T00:00:00.00Z What exactly is functional programming, and why is it so important? Mike James explains the functional ideas embodied in F#, and provides some help with getting to grips with the language. Mike James Introducing Python for .NET - IronPython 2010-06-28T20:52:00.00Z Is it a dead parrot or does it fly? Mike James looks at IronPython and asks if it really is something completely different. Mike James Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C# 2008-12-07T14:03:00.00Z The singleton pattern is one of the best-known patterns in software engineering, but often implemented without lazy loading and introducing unintended issues around threading. Jon Skeet runs through the possible implementations. Jon Skeet LINQ-ing to XML 2010-07-23T09:22:00.00Z XML, which is all about tree structures, and LINQ, which is all about querying collections, might not seem to fit together, but Mike James explains that they work together just fine. Mike James Iterator blocks in C# 2: auto-generated state machines 2008-12-03T11:50:00.00Z Ever wondered how the magic "yield" statement works? Jon Skeet digs into the inner workings of C# 2.0 and how this innocuous statement gets you a whole load of "free" generated code for your iterators. Jon Skeet First class functions in JavaScript 2010-11-22T12:20:00.00Z Ian Elliot continues to mine for hidden information relating to JavaScript. Ian Elliot Pointers on pointers 2010-10-04T08:45:00.00Z Mike James discusses pointers, and concludes that they are often unsafe and generally best avoided. Mike James Implementing AJAX in ASP.NET 2005-06-27T10:29:00.00Z Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) has recently become the craze thanks, in no small part, to Google’s usage of it in Google Suggest as well as Google Maps. Karl looks at how it works, and how we can implement it in ASP.NET using a free AJAX.NET wrapper. Karl Seguin How to access Outlook and post to a blog using C# 2005-02-11T13:52:00.00Z An article for all those like Robert Scoble who would like to be able to drag and drop an item to a folder in their Outlook and post it instantly to their Blog. We also briefly cover web services and talking to Outlook. Simon Soanes Tap into the power of the Windows 7 Taskbar 2009-11-23T10:01:00.00Z The task bar has some of the most visible improvements in Windows 7 - find out how to hugely increase the usability of your application by tapping into the taskbar functionality Paul Foster Uploading Images to a Database 2003-08-01T06:40:00.00Z Learn how to allow a user to upload an image to your server and store the binary data in a Microsoft SQL database. Dave Wanta Building Application Framework with C# 2002-06-28T10:44:00.00Z The Article introduces a C# developer to building framework. After reading, you'll get how the big names have performed most of the magic in Application Frameworks, like the Java Applet and Servlets Framework as well as the Microsoft Foundation Classes. This article is just an introduction to the complex topic. A short code sample is provided for practically demonstrating the purpose. Nauman Laghari