CSS Tutorials & Articles from Developer Fusion 2012-09-13T22:05:00.00Z Using JavaScript Unobtrusively 2012-09-13T22:05:00.00Z With a bit of thought and time, the JavaScript defining a page's behavior can be as quiet on a page as its CSS. In this extract from Professional jQuery, Cesar Otero and Rob Larsen demonstrate how. Dan Maharry Working with Mobile Devices in HTML5 and CSS3 2012-04-10T10:05:00.00Z With an ever increasing number of mobile devices demanding we code our websites to look good at any number of resolutions, this extract from Murach's HTML5 and CSS3 present some rules of thumb for developing websites that work nicely with every device Dan Maharry Making Tables More Accessible With HTML5 2012-01-20T08:36:00.00Z For those who are visually challenged and depend on technology such as screen readers to translate the Web from a visual to an aural experience, tables represent a significant challenge. This extract from HTML5 24 Hour Trainer looks at a number of additional tags and attributes that can make tables and their content more accessible to all. Dan Maharry The Future of the Web: HTML5 2011-02-24T12:41:00.00Z Let’s get this one cleared up in the first sentence, no you don’t have to wait until 2022 to start using HTML 5! None of that really matters to web developers, what should matter to us is when our users’ browsers support a given feature we are interested in utilizing. Robert Boedigheimer Improving Web Site Performance and Scalability while saving money 2011-02-11T13:07:00.00Z Learn the tools and techniques that can dramatically improve performance for a web site, while saving money by reducing server load and bandwidth requirements. Robert Boedigheimer Lessons learned writing AJAX applications 2011-02-02T18:35:00.00Z We’re all familiar these days with the Ajax buzz word – but while it’s relatively simple to use these browser technologies to implement a specific feature in an individual page, it is much more complex to build an entire application according to the Ajax paradigm. This article offers a brief overview of a few aspects you might want to take into account for building successful applications. Dino Esposito Using Adobe Flex in Visual Studio 2009-01-06T16:37:00.00Z You can now take advantage of the Flex framework from right within Visual Studio to build Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). We get you up to speed on what Flex is and a basic application talking to a web service. Matt Wicks Have you seen the Silverlight? – More Silverlight 2007-12-01T13:12:00.00Z Is Silverlight the way to make your browser based applications as rich as a desktop application? Dave Wheeler thinks so and put the case for sophistication in Silverlight. In this second article, we look at events and move rapidly on to animation and other powerful presentation effects. Dave Wheeler Ten CSS Tricks You May Not Know 2007-07-01T20:38:00.00Z Some great tips and tricks using CSS - from applying more than one CSS class to an element, specifying a different style sheet to be used for printing, image replacement techniques and more. Trenton Moss Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part One 2007-05-14T21:05:00.00Z In part one of this two part article, you will learn about five of the top ten “worst offenders” of misconfigurations of application security that can cause overall problems for ASP.NET Web-based applications. Learn more about how to secure the Web.config files of an ASP.NET application. Bryan Sullivan Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Checklist 2007-04-15T21:18:00.00Z Search engine optimisation is pretty much part and parcel of creating websites these days. Getting the basics right don't require a large amount of work, but can make all the difference. James Crowley CSS and round corners: Boxes with curves 2006-02-14T21:32:00.00Z One of the main reasons for having to use images on any web page is to create curves and round corners. It's currently impossible to create any kind of curved shapes using just HTML, so images need to be used. Putting these images into the HTML document with a table layout can create a large amount of superfluous code. Using the power of CSS we'll create the following box with round corners, without an <img> tag in sight. Trenton Moss Locking the Door behind You: Hacker Protection for Your Web Applications 2006-02-14T20:59:00.00Z Your Web applications can be the most important and most vulnerable entry point into your organization, and, as such, ensuring adequate hacker protection in your Web applications can be critical. This article discusses some of the issues. Caleb Sima Test-Driven Development in .NET 2006-01-18T11:53:00.00Z An article presenting benefits and techniques for using test-driven development in .NET, specifically examining the NUnit testing framework. Peter Provost Typography on the Web 2006-01-13T09:50:00.00Z Crucial to the ethos of the web is providing information in a way which is easy to read. It sounds simple, but there are many design considerations which factor into this, one of the most obvious being: "Which font do I choose?" Roan Lavery Moving from Tables to CSS 2006-01-11T23:37:00.00Z Learn how to migrate your existing sites from tables to CSS, and how to start including more CSS based design into your workflow. Why? Because I still think many people find learning to build CSS layout sites from scratch difficult. There's a steep learning curve associated with CSS design, much more so than tables, and getting consistent results across different browsers is tricky, even for the more experienced. Roan Lavery Printing Reports in .NET 2004-03-26T07:43:00.00Z Learn how to print reports from C# and other .NET languages using the open source library presented here. Features include Printing DataTables, printing paragraphs of text using style classes, customizable page headers and footers, boxes, lines, graphics and much more. Mike Mayer Accessibility for Web Developers 2003-09-05T12:25:00.00Z Developers put a lot of effort into ensuring their sites can be viewed in outdated browsers, but all too often ignore newer browsers, or worse still, a whole range of visitors. Accessibility means access to information for all. Information to all, regardless of the device used to view the document, or abilities of the visitor. This article covers the W3C guidelines for making your site accessible - a legal requirement for companies in the UK and United States. Gez Lemon Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2003-07-08T05:32:00.00Z A comprehensive Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) tutorial. Learn how to use the power of CSS to apply styles throughout your entire website - and changing them - whilst modifying only a single file! Gez Lemon Beginning HTML 2002-06-21T06:54:00.00Z An introduction to the basics of HTML. Including text formatting, colours, links, images and backgrounds. Louis Rose