Video HTML Media from Developer Fusion 2012-05-16T07:41:00.00Z #350 REST API Versioning 2012-05-16T07:41:00.00Z APIs should be consistent, but it is difficult to do this when returning a JSON response along side the HTML interface. Here I show how to add a versioned, RESTful API. The version can be determined from either the URL or HTTP headers. James Crowley #340 DataTables 2012-04-12T04:52:00.00Z DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript and jQuery. Here I show how to set this up and use a Rails application as the data source. James Crowley #312 Sending HTML Email 2012-01-02T08:20:00.00Z HTML email can be difficult to code because any CSS should be made inline. Here I present a few tools for doing this including the premailer-rails3 and roadie gems. James Crowley #296 Mercury Editor 2011-11-15T15:02:00.00Z Mercury allows you to edit a section of HTML directly in the web browser through a WISYIWYG editor. Here I show how to integrate Mercury into a Rails app and save the changes back to the database. James Crowley #266 HTTP Streaming 2011-05-16T07:44:00.00Z HTTP Streaming allows the browser to start processing the HTML response while the Rails app is still processing the rest of the request. James Crowley #248 Offline Apps Part 2 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Learn how to make a site usable offline with HTML 5 localStorage. This last part of the series covers jquery-tmpl and jquery-offline. James Crowley #247 Offline Apps Part 1 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Learn how to make a site usable offline through an HTML 5 cache manifest. This first part of the series covers rack-offline and problems you may run into. James Crowley #220 PDFKit 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Generating PDFs in plain Ruby can be a lot of work. Instead, consider generating PDFs from HTML using PDFKit. James Crowley #205 Unobtrusive Javascript 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Keep JavaScript out of your HTML content with unobtrusive JavaScript. Here I show how Rails 3 works with this best practice. James Crowley Building a Vista Sidebar Gadget - Part 4, Adding Behaviour 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Vista gadgets exist in the Sidebar and provide quick and easy access to useful functions such as customised searching, currency conversion or a miniature RSS reader.To build your own gadget is very straightforward. In the main they consist of some HTML for the layout and JavaScript for the be. James Crowley Building a Vista Sidebar Gadget - Part 3, Defining the User Interface 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Vista gadgets exist in the Sidebar and provide quick and easy access to useful functions such as customised searching, currency conversion or a miniature RSS reader.To build your own gadget is very straightforward. In the main they consist of some HTML for the layout and JavaScript for the be. James Crowley Building a Vista Sidebar Gadget - Part 2, Creating Look and Feel 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Vista gadgets exist in the Sidebar and provide quick and easy access to useful functions such as customised searching, currency conversion or a miniature RSS reader.To build your own gadget is very straightforward. In the main they consist of some HTML for the layout and JavaScript for the be. James Crowley Building a Vista Sidebar Gadget - Part 1, Getting Started 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Vista gadgets exist in the Sidebar and provide quick and easy access to useful functions such as customised searching, currency conversion or a miniature RSS reader.To build your own gadget is very straightforward. In the main they consist of some HTML for the layout and JavaScript for the be. James Crowley #69 Markaby in Helper 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Do you ever need to generate HTML code in a helper method? Placing it directly in Ruby strings is not very pretty. Learn a great way to generate HTML through Markaby in this episode. James Crowley Office Open XML Document Profiling 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z As well as generating dynamic documents, Office Open XML and the System.IO.Packaging API can be used to query Office Document properties such as author, creation date, document title etc. We can also access custom properties. In this Screencast we'll take a look at using System.IO.Packaging to qu. James Crowley Office Open XML Document Inspection 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z As well as generating dynamic documents, Office Open XML and the System.IO.Packaging API can be used to inspect Office documents en masse. In this Screencast we'll take a look at using System.IO.Packaging to strip slide notes from a PowerPoint 2007 document on the server.Check my blog entry f. James Crowley Silverlight - Accessing HTML from managed code 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Silverlight enables developers to access the host HTML from managed code. This is an extremely powerful feature which can be used to create seamless experiences between the HTML and Silverlight UI.This blog entry provides great detail - James Crowley #27 Cross Site Scripting 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Another common security issue is cross site scripting. In this episode you will see why it is so important to escape any HTML a user may submit. James Crowley Creating Dynamic Documents in Word 2007 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z As well as providing document structure and a robust editing canvas, content controls can be databound to elements in the custom xml store. This gives us true data/view separation and allows us to focus on the data while Word takes care of the presentation.Check my blog entry for hyperlinks t. James Crowley Structuring Documents in Word 2007 - Building Blocks 2011-03-04T11:24:00.00Z Building blocks make possible content re-use across Word 2007 documents and applications. Sections of content can be identified as building blocks and offered for users via a gallery. In combination with content controls, they can offer a very effective solution for document assembly type applica. James Crowley