OpenGL Media from Developer Fusion OpenGL Media from Developer Fusion en-GB Mon, 12 Oct 2009 17:30:00 GMT Herding Code 62: MonoTouch with Miguel de Icaza and Geoff Norton In this episode of Herding Code, Jon and Scott Koon pair up with Miguel de Icaza and Geoff Norton of the Mono Project and discuss MonoTouch: Jon asks Geoff Norton, engineering lead on the MonoTouch project and founder of the Cocoa# and Objective-C# projects, to give the elevator speech about Mono. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 17:30:00 GMT James Crowley IRIS, a RIA swing applet Iris shows the power of modern Java applets, highlighting the following major features of the Java platform: Dynamic extension of applets: new techniques developed within the past year in the JOGL project allow applets to use OpenGL for 3D graphics, OpenAL for spatialized audio, Java Media co... Thu, 08 May 2008 09:15:00 GMT James Crowley