Video RIA & Web Media from Developer Fusion 2011-05-30T08:05:00.00Z #136 jQuery 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z How do you use jQuery with Rails? In this episode I redo episode #43 using jQuery instead of Prototype/RJS. James Crowley #197 Nested Model Form Part 2 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using either Prototype or jQuery. James Crowley #205 Unobtrusive Javascript 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Keep JavaScript out of your HTML content with unobtrusive JavaScript. Here I show how Rails 3 works with this best practice. James Crowley #220 PDFKit 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Generating PDFs in plain Ruby can be a lot of work. Instead, consider generating PDFs from HTML using PDFKit. James Crowley #267 CoffeeScript Basics 2011-05-23T09:55:00.00Z CoffeeScript allows you to write JavaScript in a concise, elegant fashion. Here I convert JavaScript code to CoffeeScript in a Rails 3.1 app. James Crowley #261 Testing JavaScript with Jasmine 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery. James Crowley #174 Pagination with AJAX 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Learn an easy, unobtrusive way to add AJAX functionality to an existing set of pagination links using jQuery. James Crowley #180 Finding Unused CSS 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Over time a CSS file can become large and filled with unused selectors. In this episode I show how to use the Deadweight gem to determine which CSS selects you can remove. James Crowley #175 AJAX History and Bookmarks 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Browser page history and bookmarks do not usually work with AJAX requests, but in this episode I show you how to remedy this problem using a simple jQuery plugin. James Crowley #258 Token Fields 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z With the jQuery Tokeninput plugin it is easy to add an autocompleting list of entries for a many-to-many association. James Crowley #169 Dynamic Page Caching 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Use JavaScript to allow dynamic content in a page cache. In this episode I show you how to insert the user-specific content into a page through JavaScript. James Crowley #266 HTTP Streaming 2011-05-16T07:44:00.00Z HTTP Streaming allows the browser to start processing the HTML response while the Rails app is still processing the rest of the request. James Crowley #268 Sass Basics 2011-05-30T08:05:00.00Z Sass extends CSS with variables, nesting, mixins and more. Here I show how to convert plain CSS to SCSS in a Rails 3.1 app. James Crowley #229 Polling for Changes 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z If you have frequently changing data on the server side, it's helpful to automatically display this to the user as well. Here I show how to accomplish this with polling in jQuery. James Crowley #257 Request Specs and Capybara 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Request specs in RSpec are a great way to ensure the entire application stack is working properly. Here I also show how to use capybara with integrated JavaScript testing using Selenium. James Crowley #246 AJAX History State 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z The new pushState function in JavaScript allows us to change the full URL with AJAX. This means the back button, reloading, and bookmark support can be easily added. James Crowley #247 Offline Apps Part 1 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Learn how to make a site usable offline through an HTML 5 cache manifest. This first part of the series covers rack-offline and problems you may run into. James Crowley #77 Destroy Without JavaScript 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z If the user has JavaScript disabled, the "Destroy" link might not work properly. In this episode I will explore a number of ways to work around this issue. James Crowley #27 Cross Site Scripting 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Another common security issue is cross site scripting. In this episode you will see why it is so important to escape any HTML a user may submit. James Crowley #69 Markaby in Helper 2011-05-10T03:36:00.00Z Do you ever need to generate HTML code in a helper method? Placing it directly in Ruby strings is not very pretty. Learn a great way to generate HTML through Markaby in this episode. James Crowley