Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition

Linux: The Complete Reference, Sixth Edition
Richard Petersen
19 Nov 2007
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Your one-stop guide to Linux--fully revised and expandedGet in-depth coverage of all Linux features, tools, and utilities from this thoroughly updated and comprehensive resource, designed for all Linux distributions. Written by Linux expert Richard Petersen, this book explains how to get up-and-running on Linux, use the desktops and shells, manage applications, deploy servers, implement security measures, and handle system and network administration tasks.

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Customer Reviews

Kevin Collins said
If your new to linux this book is what you want to have by your side at all times, if you have a question who to do something (as long as it is not distro or hardware specific) this book will have the answer. I choose to buy this because I have been a long time mac terminal user and decided to make the switch to linux and I knew some things wouldn't port straight over, this book has been a life saver and i think it does a better job of explain linux to the new then any other book. But don't think you can't use this book if your an avid linux user, this book servers (just as its title suggest) as a complete reference to linux, so if you looking for a book that can provide more information the the normal man pages (such as how to use it, what's going on) this book is the one to get

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