The J2EE Architect's Handbook

The J2EE Architect's Handbook
Derek C. Ashmore
01 May 2004
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This handbook is a concise guide to architecting, designing and building J2EE applications. This handbook will guide the technical architect through the entire J2EE project including identifying business requirements, performing use-case analysis, object and data modeling, and guiding a development team during construction.

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Customer Reviews

P. Inamdar said
The other night I was helping put into context the concepts in this book with a colleague of mine. And in the process, we both came to understand that though this book (ignoring the title) is a great architectural road map for an undescribed and predefined business issue for a three tier web based application, it is not a handbook, nor is it for an architect.

This is a book that would be a great book for someone who's building a web based application and is looking for a blueprint to follow instead of having to come up with one themself. This is mostly because of the rather heavy handed approach the author declares how a system should be built. It's always good to have a point of view, but tools for how to design are always better than the design itself for a practitioner. This book seems to provide few tools to learn how to design.

Based on that, if this book was titled differently with a different forward I would have given it a much better rating, but as it stands and the misleading nature of the title and forward, I've given it a low rating.

If you are an aspiring architect or are looking to learn more about the architectural process there are the following books, which are a good read and reference books:

A Software Architecture Primer

Beyond Software Architecture: Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions (Addison-Wesley Signature Series)

Simple Architectures for Complex Enterprises (PRO-best Practices) (Best Practices (Microsoft))

For those looking for patterns of implementation beyond "The Gang of Four" patterns book, there are the following books (I normally keep multiple copies of them):

Implementation Patterns (Addison-Wesley Signature Series)

Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Addison-Wesley Signature Series)

Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions (Addison-Wesley Signature Series)

F. J. Morero Peyrona said
I received the book when expected and in perfect conditions. Very interesting book for a very reasonable price.

avianu said
This book has outstanding breadth of information for system architecture. Some details are quite basic, while others are quite indepth. Overall though, what's most important is that the book is very well written and serves its purpose well. It has many excellent strategies, along with a comprehensive feature list of most J2EE projects.

Definately a 5 star.

Saravanan Subramanian said
I develop applications using J2EE and .NET. I found that most concepts found in this book are equally applicable to the .NET arena as well. Good work.

BG said
I'm a Junior J2EE Technical Architect and I just finish reading your book. It's really interesting and instructive. It helps me a lot on my project planning.

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