The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL

The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL
Ken Henderson
04 Mar 2000
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Information, explanations, and advice you need to master Transact-SQL and develop the best possible Transact-SQL code. Covers Microsoft Transact-SQL. Softcover. CD-ROM included. DLC: SQL (Computer program language)

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Daniel A. Joseph said
I have used this book as a reference on projects involving SQL Server Scripting and it is among the best. It is very readable and clear and presents its examples well. I consider this text and Murach Publishing's SQL Server 2008 for Developers to be the two best in the field for SQL Server. If you have both, you might just have all you need as references for non-.NET SQL Server Scripting.

Marc Roberts said
There was a bit of a delay w/the order but the seller took care of the issue and corrected the issue promptly.

Tyro said
I worked in the SQL Server group at Microsoft for 5+ years. I learned more about T-SQL from Henderson's book than from any other. Guru's Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML is the book I saw most frequently on friends' shelves, and it's the only 3rd party book people consistently recommended. Buy it! :-)

Daniel Gras said
The downside to this book is that it is from 2000, and the code snippets are no longer available online. Also, since this book was written, there is a new Microsoft SQL Server product called 2005, that this book doesn't talk about obviously.

I don't recommend this book, because I really only got a few tips out of it. It's not suited well for a beginner or advanced user. It just kind of covers the whole range. And it's time to move on to books that use the latest software.

Eddie Merkel said
...this would be it.

I have worked with Microsoft SQL Server day in and day out for many years now, and I have owned this book ever since it first came out. I have had some pretty funky tasks to perform with data and this book has come through with excellent solutions each and every time. I absolutely cannot tout it highly enough. It is easy to read, and full of actually useful code examples and information rather than pages of code printouts that are just filler.

If you work writing code for SQL Server, this book belongs on your bookshelf, if not on your desk.

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