Building Scalable Web Sites: Building, scaling, and optimizing the next generation of web applications

Building Scalable Web Sites: Building, scaling, and optimizing the next generation of web applications
Cal Henderson
16 May 2006
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Learn the tricks of the trade so you can build and architect applications that scale quickly--without all the high-priced headaches and service-level agreements associated with enterprise app servers and proprietary programming and database products. Culled from the experience of the lead developer, "Building Scalable Web Sites" offers techniques for creating fast sites that your visitors will find a pleasure to use.

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  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Ashwin Jayaprakash said
This is the first time I felt compelled to write a review for a book I bought on Amazon. I was hoping for some real interesting and hard-code technical material here. Sadly, after having wasted about $30 on this book I realized that there are many Blogs that discuss distributed caching, scaling, sharding, concurrency and all the really useful bits and you can read it for free.

Not worth it.

Mark Ruzomberka said
Typically when reading a technology book they fall into two categories.
They are over your head or too general. This book probably falls into the first category. I would imagine for the right techie this book would have so many great code examples they would love it. Had I bought this in the store, and not online, the sheer volume of code examples would have scared me away.

Not to worry, this book is great when paired with John Allspaw's "Art of Capacity Planning" John's book is 150 pages while this one is over 300, but they are a dense 300. If you want High Level go with Allspaw if you want Low Level go with Henderson. Also an FYI do not to copy all that code just use the 45 day trial to Safari to get access to the whole book online. This would allow you can download every word in the book, which is very slick.

For me, I did like the comparison in the opening chapter about how a web architect has to remodel a house while people are still living in it. Further along in the book Chapter 9 is worthwhile for the majority of readers even at a high level. Especially the 3 rules for scalability.

A scalable system has three simple characteristics:

They system can accommodate increased usage
The system can accommodate an increased data set
The system is maintainable

Communication is all about knowing your audience, and clearly I wasn't at a technical level for this book, but I still got a few great examples.

Yanhua Yu said
I received this book in three days, which was a fast delivery. I am still working on this book, but I must say I like this book.

M. Parker said
This was a great book! I highly recommend it! Have fun!
Merry Christmas!!!

A. Chong said
This book has many good sections, including some that actually touch
on the title of "scaling" web sites. However, most of the book
is oriented to a whole set of disjointed topics such as Unicode, MIME
email, and RSS, etc. Well written, but having nothing to do with

The chapters that are on topic are generally good, but lacking in depth.
What it's missing is an overview of different techniques for scaling,
as well as different architectural models.

The entire book is fairly PHP centric. I would really have liked to have
seen more about tradeoffs and architectural details of what you should
do if you have Java, Javascript, AJAX, or Perl, or how to deal with
spreading your site over datacenters around the world.

"The Flickr Way" pretty much describes the book, since most of the
material seems to relate to doing things one way.

This book would be excellent if you have a single webserver that has
taken off and you're lost. If you already have a shelf of O'Reilly
books and a background in sysadmin or web development, much of the
material is redundant to other, more in depth manuals.

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