Surrey Drupal Meetup: How to Use Template.php to Power your Drupal Themes

Surrey Drupal Users Group
Fri, 15 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Boston Pizza , Surrey, CA

Topic: Drupal Theming - What is template.php and how do I use it?

* What is the talk about? *
We'll explore the purpose of the template.php file in theming as well as the relevant Drupal API functions. We'll then delve deeper into creating the most basic functions needed in the file. Finally we'll explore the process of reading the code of other modules to help you find the places where you can change their output via template.php

* Who am I? *
Colin Calnan is a Senior Developer working with Raised Eyebrow Web Studio ( in downtown Vancouver. He's been working with PHP since 2000 and Drupal since 2007 and has a undergraduate degree in Computer Science with a masters degree in Design and Digital Media. He's themed over two dozen sites since starting Drupal theming and built and themed websites such as:

* Who should attend? *
Drupal themers of course! If you've been given a mockup and need to make a functioning Drupal site, this is for you. Hobbyists or anyone who has lost time and hair trying to figure out how to change the output of modules are also welcome.

* What will I take away with me? *
You'll leave feeling more confident in your ability to create themes in the future. You'll know more about the Drupal API and how to search it. You'll have the confidence to open module files and have the ability to find the theming stuff you're looking for. You'll be one step closer to becoming a Drupal Rockstar themer, and you'll meet lots of nice Drupal people while you're there.

Drupal Showcase (AKA Lightning Talk): We want you to showcase your latest project or share a great development tool with our group. Come prepared to give a short 5 minute talk on any Drupal related topic. If you want to use a laptop to demo a website or control panel, please be sure you have the necessary cable to connect to the overhead projector. Please contact [email protected] to schedule your showcase.

Drupal Q&A: Bring your questions on anything related to Drupal from how to do something technical in PHP to what modules are needed to implement a feature you need.

Cost: While there is no cost for this event, it would be great if you can come prepared to order something (some of us order dinner, some just drinks) along with a 15% gratuity as we really want to keep up a good relationship with ABC as they've been great in allowing us to book their conference room.

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