NYC Women in SharePoint Monthly Meeting

Women in SharePoint
23-24 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

SharePoint Job Summit

It's all about JOBS at this session!

  • What types of positions exist in the SharePoint space? (you'll be surprised at how many there are!)
  • What's the salary range in NYC for beginning, intermediate and advanced SharePoint professionals?
  • I use SharePoint at work and would like to advance my career in that direction. How can I increase my SharePoint skills without spending a ton of money?
  • How can I get a SharePoint job if I have no SharePoint experience? (it CAN be done)
  • What's it like to work at a Sharepoint consulting firm, working on many projects at once?

Susan Xie, Director of Recruiting, and David Drinkwine, Senior Solutions Architect, both from CGS (, a large SharePoint consulting firm, will be there to answer these questions and give us insight into the rewards and challenges of working for a large SharePoint practice.

After a half-hour presentation from Susan describing the various SharePoint job classifications and a short talk from David about what a SharePoint Solutions Architect does, we'll open up the session to questions and answers.

Susan has also offered to critique resumes, so don't forget to bring yours!

See you there,


P.S. Remember that MEN are very welcome!

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