Executable Specifications with Cucumber and Watir

The New York Agile Software Development Meetup Group
28 Feb-1 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

If you've ever run into maintenance issues with testing through the GUI, I have a presentation that I'll offer up to this group. In the past 2 years, I've moved from using Selenium to using Cucumber with Watir as a tool to help developers, testers and customers collaborate on requirements and acceptance testing. During this time, we've learned a few tricks and do's and don'ts of automating acceptance tests through the GUI. Most importantly, the continuous refactoring of Cucumber tests from imperative to declarative to force development and keep a simple, end-to-end regression suite intact and economically maintainable. Let me know if you all would like to see this presentation.

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