Practical Unit Testing by Brandon Savage - DC PHP Developer's Community Meetup

DC PHP Developer's Community
Thu, 10 Mar 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Washington, US

Practical Unit Testing

Unit testing is an elusive subject: developers tend to agree on its importance but move right along without actually doing it. Many times their reasons are both valid and resolvable. This talk seeks to answer three basic questions:

* What is required for me to write effective unit tests?
* How can I sell my team on writing unit tests, even for legacy code?
* What strategies work for implementing unit testing in my organization?

This 90-minute talk will cover these areas and more. From the School of Hard Knocks will come useful information for practical unit testing in any development shop.


Speaker - Brandon Savage 

Twitter - @brandonsavage

Website -


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