Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

The Fox Valley Drupal Meetup Group
Fri, 27 May 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Old Towne Pub & Eatery , Geneva, US

Building sites the "right" way is what we all strive for.  This means picking the right approach for the project, picking the "right" mix of modules and techniques and preparing the site so that it can be enhanced and maintained after your work is done. 


7pm Quick Hello & Lightning talks


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Featured Discussion

 More details to follow but here are some things we will discuss:

* Lessons learned by doing things the wrong way
* How to use Drupal within its constraints to make your project sustainable and maintanable


Discussion that led to this meetup

Sure, you can throw php into a customfield inside a view, but should you? And of course you can do some advanced php inside your tpl files, but should you? Why yes, you can hack core, but should you?

I don't know if we have the means in our group to answer these and similar questions, but it would awesome first to identify things that, while they work, they should be avoided and what's the proper way. But even more awesome would be to know *why* we shouldn't do it that way.

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“Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.” - E. W. Dijkstra