The New York City SharePoint Developers User Group Monthly Meetup

The New York City SharePoint Developers User Group
Wed, 20 Apr 2011, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , US

SUBJECT: Claims Authentication in SharePoint 2010

SPEAKER: Nilesh Mehta, Senior SharePoint Architect, NGenious Solutions

What is the new Claims Authentication in SharePoint 2010 all about? Why do you need it? What are the advantages over Kerberos or NTLM? How hard is it to enable and use? Is this just another one of those things that Microsoft is pushing that no one will use and will eventually go away?

Come to the next meeting and find out! Nilesh Mehta is one of the most senior SharePoint Architects out there today and he has actually worked with claims authentication, unlike the vast majority of SharePoint architects and/or developers (including me, Kathryn).

See how valuable attending NYCSDUG is? The next time someone mentions claims authentication you'll know what they're talking about and be able to say something intelligent. They'll think you're a SharePoint guru! 

All kidding aside, I don't think this is one of those things that's going to go away which is why I asked Nilesh to speak about it. Basically, claims breaks the dependency on Active Directory for authorization so that SharePoint can more easily collaborate with non-Microsoft user stores and applications. That will make SharePoint a lot more useful in the coming years, so its time to figure out how what this new authentication mode is all about.


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