Things you can't do with .NET! Get out ur comfort zone all ye Microsoft drones

Cambridge .NET Developer's User Group
Wed, 5 Oct 2011, 18:00 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cambridge, GB

 I've just secured a sponsor for the event, (details following ) so there will be free beer and pizza for the evening. ;-p (Will be confirming the venue closer to the date so that I can get confirmation on how many will be attending.)

speaker lineup for the evening: (Speakers are doing a few "short talks" designed to get us excited about the possibility of life beyond dot net ) ;-p

Vaclav Pech ( Are you talking my Language?) - via live video Skype

Let's write better code, faster. Use your customer lingo to encode your programs. In this talk we'll look at the advantages and pitfalls of working with Domain Specific Languages. We'll use JetBrains' MPS as a vehicle to get us safely across the waters of DSLs. MPS is an open-source language workbench that aims to make programming life easier and give you more problem-resolution focus. It will support you when designing your DSLs, it will assist you when using them and also help you deal with the common DSL drawbacks. Your languages can be freely combined without ambiguity, refactoring of DSLs becomes a breeze and you get full IDE support as a bonus.

BIO : Václav is a programming enthusiast who's constantly seeking ways to make development more effective and enjoyable. He's particularly interested in server-side Java technologies, distributed systems, parallel programming, agile methodologies, modern programming languages and DSLs. He works for JetBrains as a senior software developer and a technology evangelist. On the side, he's leading the GPars project (, an opensource concurrency library, investigates the domains of neural networks, evolutionary programming and data mining.



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