Core NHibernate: Persistence with NHibernate

London .NET Meetup Group
Tue, 26 May 2009, 08:00 - 10:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
SkillsMatter , London, GB
1595.0 GBP

Ayende Rahien (author of Rhino Mocks, one of the most popular mocking frameworks on the .NET platform, and a leading figure in other well known open source projects including the Castle project and NHibernate) will teach this 3-day introductory NHibernate course. Come join us and learn how to use this O/R mapping tool efficiently in your applications to save time and effort on communicating with database storage. During the course, we will work together to build a simple practical application that demonstrates all important data management patterns.


* Configure NHibernate for your applications
* Manage sessions and transactions
* Map objects and collections to database structures
* Use NHibernate Castle integration facilities
* Improve performance with advanced caching and loading options

The next workshop on May 18-20 is full, but Ayende has agreed to teach an extra event on May 26-28th in London, so you can still come and learn with Ayende! You can register for this course here:
More information and registration

Day 1: Introduction and basic NHibernate operations

* Principles of ORM
* Starting with NHibernate
* basic NHibernate configuration
* getting started with queries and mapping
* Session and transaction management basics
* Simple Hibernate queries

Day 2: Everyday NHibernate operations

* mapping associations and collections
* mapping properties
* caching
* Lazy Loading

Day 3: Advanced Usage

* Castle Integration (NHibernate Facility) and session management
* Advanced Querying
o Detached Queries
o Projections
o Shards
* 3rd party contributions (NHibernate.Contrib)
o Validator
o Burrow
o Linq to NHibernate

The next workshop on May 18-20 is full, but Ayende has agreed to teach an extra event on May 26-28th in London, so you can still come and learn with Ayende! You can register for this course here:
More information and registration

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