Launching an Idea (Part 1 of 2)

Black Techies
21-22 Mar 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , US

Hey Techies, 

Many of you have pulled me aside and said you have ideas, but aren't sure where to begin. So we're going to try something practical: launching an idea from start to finish in 2 meetups. We will launch a Twitter clone, with a special Black Techies twist.

This meetup, we'll take you through the backend setup including database, web server, and setting up the application's models and controllers. At the following meetup we'll design and create the views.

More details to follow...

- 6:45 Meetup begins; Pizza
- 7:00 Ignite Talks (3)
- 7:15 Black Techies do Twitter
- 8:45 Wrap-Up & Preview of next meetup
- 9:00 Happy hour  

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“Brevity is the soul of wit” - Shakespeare