FEDSPUG May Meeting Featuring Dan Usher & Scott Hoag

DC Women in SharePoint
3-4 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Washington, US

Presentation Title: SharePoint Architectural Design and Process Pitfalls: Moving up to SharePoint 2010

Presentation Description: Organizations of all sizes are begging their technical departments to setup SharePoint 2010 so that they're able to make use of some of the capabilities introduced within the SharePoint 2010 platform. While designing, implementing, configuring and deploying a system in and of itself has its own set of challenges, setting repeatable processes and designing the receiving system to ensure a less painful migration into that new and shiny SharePoint platform can be even more difficult.

In this session, Scott and Dan will share some of their experiences and lessons learned tips, tricks and pointers for ensuring that you've considered the various aspects of challenges that arise during a migration effort from a system design and process perspective. Further, as a bonus they'll share how to not fall prey to some of these pitfalls but rather be able to show that you're a well rounded professional that's thought things through before pressing the enter key.   


Scott Hoag, MCITP, MCPD, is a Senior Consultant with Planet Technologies. With over 8 years of experience, Scott has been utilizing Microsoft based content management solutions from MCMS 2002 to SharePoint 2010 today.

Twitter: @ciphertxt

URL: http://www.mylifeinaminute.com


Dan Usher, MCITP, MCP, MCTS, is a Lead Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton, where he is a lead SharePoint Solutions Manager and Architect. He has extensive experience with the Microsoft Windows Networking Infrastructure and has been implementing, customizing, architecting and deploying Enterprise collaboration solutions utilizing the Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies for the past 7 years.

Twitter: @usher

URL http://www.sharepointdan.com

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