The Orlando PHP Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Orlando PHP Meetup Group
7-8 Jun 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Orlando, US

Hey, guys, this month we've got a guest speaker from Akiban Technologies talking about their new open-source project... Check it out:

Renormalize: When SQL Meets Documents

Have queries that suck? NoSQL document stores are generally considered at the opposing extreme to relational databases. Schema and SQL are perceived to be at the core of the problem. Akiban Server is an open source database that brings document stores and relational databases together. Developers get powerful document access and schema evolution capabilities alongside surprisingly powerful SQL. In this presentation Ori will cover the architecture and operational ideas that underline the Akiban Server, and some really interesting use cases from a number of large SaaS companies [running mysql, whose applications are written in PHP] that are using Akiban.

Speaker Bio:

Ori Herrnstadt is the founder and CTO of Akiban. He has been involved in developing large scale operational database systems since his days in the Israeli Military. After experiencing similar problems of large-scale operational systems in healthcare, ERP, CRM and modern web applications, he began developing the Orthogonal Architecture. In 2009, he founded Akiban Technologies to accelerate the development of this technology.

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“God could create the world in six days because he didn't have to make it compatible with the previous version.”