PHPNW May 2012

Tue, 1 May 2012, 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Rain Bar , Manchester, GB

This month's talk is called "OAuth: A Question of Trust" by Lorna Mitchell. OAuth is a great solution to a difficult problem, but still manages to sound complicated since it involves multiple steps (for OAuth 1) and multiple flows (for OAuth 2) - and the two versions are nothing alike. This session gives a high level overview of which problem "OAuth" actually solves, covers how both OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 fit into existing architecture and when to use them, and gives resources for finding out more about each. If you're sharing user data between applications and want to do so securely, then this session is for you.

PHPNW (PHP North West) is a group focussing on the PHP web development language in the North-of-England.

Where: Rain Bar, 80 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5JG [1] (Upstairs, boardroom) When: 7pm Tuesday 1st May 2012 What: OAuth: A Question of Trust - Lorna Mitchell

Come along, grab a drink and join in :)

We have our meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. The venue has free WiFi and serves food 'til 8pm.


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