WordPress Developers Kick-Off!

WordPress Developers New Haven
7-8 Jun 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Branford, US

Hi All,

Since we now have a few members lets get started.

Based on the responses to the profile questions I thought a good topic to start with would be themes. There are many options when it comes to themes including the default 2011, free themes, premium themes, child-themes and a whole range of frameworks of varying complexity.

Each has +/- and and requires different levels of prerequisite skill sets such as PHP, jQuery and graphic skills and others.

Each developer has their preferred methods they develop overtime and different objectives and perspectives.

I thought we could do a broad brush overview of what all these theme options are and then talk about what each of are using and how. What has worked for you (or not).

A meeting spot is still to be worked out.

Looking forward to meeting you all.


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