December 2013 :: Crazy Fast .Net Using ServiceStack and Dapper

Tue, 10 Dec 2013, 18:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
5501 Greenwich Rd , Virginia Beach, US

ServiceStack is an open-source .Net framework for building web APIs and sites, and is renowned for being light-weight and fast. Dapper is a collection of extension methods for mapping database query results to typed objects (or a "micro-ORM"). Together they can help developers quickly create lean, super-fast sites and APIs. This discussion will focus on creating a RESTful API in ServiceStack using Dapper for database queries. Presented By: Greg Norman Greg Norman (@raelshark) is a web developer by trade who fell into programming by complete accident. He has experience building a wide range of web projects for startups, enterprises, and government organizations, and currently works on high-traffic sites and web APIs for Gannett Co. Greg has a passion for digital health apps and builds his own in his spare time. He also enjoys movies, games, and getting tackled by his pre-school daughter. Note: he is not the golfer.

Event venue: InfoTec

Hosted by: Hampton Roads .NET Users Group

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