The Charlotte PHP May Meetup

The Charlotte PHP Meetup Group
28-29 May 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Charlotte, US

Combining with the Charlotte Perl Group. Join other LAMP developers for a Show & Tell. Show us what you?ve been working on, share your ideas, or tell us about new projects you?ve found. Talks will be 5-15 minutes to allow time for everyone to present.

Our meeting will be held at 7pm at the CPCC Central Campus IT building at Elizabeth Ave & Charlottetown (formerly Independence Blvd). We?ll be in room IT4134. There is a new parking deck at the corner of Charlottetown and Fourth St which provides free and convenient parking. Further map info is available at CPCC and Google Maps.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” - Rick Osborne