Open coding day, building user group website using MVC, TDD and Agile

Cambridge .NET Developer's User Group
Sat, 13 Jun 2009, 09:00 - 11:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cambridge, GB

Cambridge .NET user group - Open coding day, building user group website using MVC, TDD and Agile

Saturday June 13th, 10am till 4:30pm

I'll update this description as I chat to all of you. For now the open coding day is so that we can build our website which will go up on

The primary need for a group website: so that we can get ranked #1 in google for search results for .NET and cambridge, this will help any of our members looking for work with local businesses, as well as make it possible for developers living in Cambridge to easily find the user group.

I dont want to replace the meetup facility, that's too much work for a single day for a group of developers, rather we should look to integrate with it. ?? (all ideas will be put onto post it notes on a board when we get together, unconference style, and we pick what we want to do, my suggestions are just to get us going.)

The idea is to build the website using MVC, Agile and TDD. We get a group of us together, decide what we want on the group website. one of us get's nominated as the "customer" and then using TDD and Agile we build the entire site and check it into Google code. (or whatever other process we agree on the day to follow.)

I'm open to change this description as anyone sees fit, please comment, phone or email me.

I'm opening the invitation to any developer, not just Cambridge .net user group members. You don't even need to be a .NET developer, php, java, ruby all great, you can pair program with someone on the day.

Day agenda:

Start time around 10am. (depending on buses and trains from London for those attending from London.) finish at :4:30pm then off to the river and pub for drinks and dinner.

I can offer accommodation in our spare room for anyone coming up from London for the Friday or Saturday night. (1 person or a couple. )

Because it's at my house, I'm limiting the event to 12 people for now, but will see if I can get a venue if we have more interest.

cheers all


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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“It works on my machine.” - Anonymous