Palm Pre, Mojo, and webOS August Meetup

Palm Pre, Mojo, and webOS Meetup
Wed, 5 Aug 2009, 20:00 - 22:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

I am going to tentatively set this meeting for Red Rock coffee shop upstairs pending that they are comfortable with everything. This meetup will have no formal discussion and will most likely follow the "hackfest" format (bring your own pre/laptop/discussion-topic). If the attendance number grows much more beyond 10 I will likely need to reschedule until we can find a place more accommodating. For future reference, if you, or your company, has a place that could host one or more of these meetings please contact me.

Hope to see some of you there and don't forget to bring all your fun and crazy ideas!

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