Palm Pre, Mojo, and webOS September Meetup

Palm Pre, Mojo, and webOS Meetup
Wed, 2 Sep 2009, 20:00 - 22:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

Our next Palm Pre meetup will be at Palm Headquarters! Palm has generously provided us a space, food, and drinks for our next meetup; July 28th @ 7:00PM. We will have Davis Frank from Pivotal Labs (makers of the Tweed and Associated Press apps on the Pre) giving a speech followed by an engineer from Palm to talk about the platform and development. Please RSVP 'Yes' as soon as you can so we can get the projected attendance and plan in advance accordingly (we will likely be printing badges for the event so please help by providing your real name in this regard). Spread the word and invite others you know who are interested! Look forward to seeing you all there!

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